Report Look Name Size Color Style Background color Restore Default Values
This page lists several options to control the look of HTML and MHTML reports of AIDA64. Please scroll down to read explanation of each options.
This option specifies the font to be used for each 3 report elements (Normal Font, Page Caption Font, Device Caption Font). In default Verdana is used when it is available on the system.
This option specifies the font size to be used for the report elements. For MHTML reports a custom font size should be tested carefully to check the visual impacts of the font size change.
This option specifies the font color to be used for the report elements. Colors can be picked from the palette by pressing the Colors button.
This option selects normal, bold, italic or bold italic font type.
This option selects the background color for the report. Color can be picked from the palette by pressing the Colors button. Recommended background color is the default white. Printing reports may become difficult when a non-light background color is used.
By pressing this button all options on this page could be restored to their default states.